2025 Fly fishing Kickoff! We are very excited to officially announce our 2025 Metolius River Fly Fishing Kick Off. This event will be hosted by Cold Springs Resort on April 26th of this year. We will have a power point presentation on the Metolius River given by none other then, Jeff Perin the owner and operator of The Fly Fishers Place in Sisters Oregon! We will also have fly tying lessons courtesy of Garrrett Lesko, He will be showcasing popular fly's used on the Metolius river. You can also expect casting lessons along with walk and talks along the Metolius river based around identifying bugs and reading the river. We will also have snacks fort the attendees. Simply book your stay for April 26th and join the festivities for no extra charge. Not a guest, no problem pay the $20 cover charge and join in the fun!
The guest or attendee that catches the most fish out of the Metolius river between Friday April 25th and Sunday April 26 of 2025 will receive a Free two night stay at Cold Springs Resort. Simply take pictures of each fish caught and bring them to the office by 4pm on Sunday the 26th to tally your catch! Tight lines and good luck to all!
Time Frame Guideline For Metolius river kickoff. The event will start at 10 AM on April 26th 2025.
1. 10am – 12pm Metolius River power point presentation. 2. 12pm -12:30pm lunch intermission. We will have snacks and drinks, curtesy of Cold Springs Resort. 3. 12:30pm – 4:30pm we will have the fly tying and casting lessons. Walk and talks along the river. Talking about hatches and trying to identify bugs, and reading water. 4. 4:30pm – 5pm wrapping up the event.